I am really lucky to have great Fathers in my life!
I am very blessed to have an
amazing dad who loved my mom, my siblings and me with all that he had! From almost every sporting events to award ceremonies, my dad was there. He loved me not only when life seemed perfect, but also when my world was falling apart and I was down in the dumps. There are so many things I learned from him. Cancer took him from this earthly life over 8 years ago. I miss him, but I believe in
eternal families and therefore, I know I will see him again! He never got to meet my husband or kids:( Oh, how I wish my kids would have got to have him for a grandpa here on earth!!! Luckily, I still feel his presence and know he is watching over us!
I am very blessed to be married to a man who is an amazing father! I am so impressed with the dad he is.

Chris lets the kids assist him in almost every task - including mowing the lawn.
He's the kind of dad that when the sewer gets clogged, instead of calling a plumber he rents a roto-router machine and lets the kids watch him while he has A LOT of fun using it! The kids (in the backgound) loved it!
Chris signed the kids up for swimming lessons and him and I had to take turns in the "mommy-and-me" classes!
Knowing we have lots of projects around this old house, he bought the kids safety googles and adapts tools so they can participate and be protected.

He loves to take the kids on tractors, lawnmowers and even lets them drive (our car! Don't tell the police!)
Chris teaches the kids so many fun things like flying kites and making drums from cow hides. Cadence has so much fun on daddy-daughter dates that Cooper insists on having daddy-daughter dates instead of father-son moments!!!!

He gets off work to attend Cadence's pre-school graduation!
He the kind of dad that will take the kids and dance in front of a large audience. He used to think I was crazy when I did this kind of thing, but now he joins in and loves it!

He lets the kids work on the house with us! We would definitely get done more quickly without them "helping," but he realizes that these are quality moments and great learning experiences for them.

Chris goes a long with crazy ideas for church talent shows and other activities! Seriously, how many dads will do a synchronized swimming skit (which we did this year)?
HERE was our talent show dance we performed last year. What a great dad!!!

My husband is also a man of God. He found the church when he was 22-yrs-old. He was a missionary from age 24 to 26. Today, he was called to be on the High Council. He sets a great example for the kids and everyone else around him. You can find him doing service a couple of times a week!

And because of him, I know the greatest joy that comes from being a mom and having these two angelic kids!!!

Like I said, I'm a very blessed lady! I'm thrilled that I belong with these three for eternity!!! Thanks for being such a wonderful father, husband and person, Chris!!!
And last, but not least, I am blessed to know that I have a
Heavenly Father who loves me very much too! God is definitely good to me. I feel enormous peace and happiness that comes because of my knowledge of him.
I wish you all a Happy Father's Day as you celebrate the Fathers in your life. And if by some chance, you do not have an amazing relationship with your dad or husband, I know there is a God who loves you! He cares about you!