Since I never "dated" before I/we got married, I know the title of this post is shocking. "Dating" is such a serious word. I much preferred just to "hang out."
Chris and I have started dating.
He has been the instigator of this. At first, I was a little intimidated to accept his invitation, but now I am opening up to "dating." It is good for us to be away from the kids every once in a while.
We've only been on a few dates, but they have all been interesting and surprising. He won't tell me before what we are doing. Once he took me to the
golfing range to hit some golf balls.
I totally missing the ball. I will never be a professional golfer. It is fun, but golfing is not my best sport.

Look at that form! I would cheer every time I actually hit it into the air!

Chris is pretty good at hitting the ball.
He is able to hit it far and high. I wanted him to hit the little golf cart guy, but he didn't. What a man!
Recently, he took me on another memorable date. We drove to our duplex. I saw ducks in the backyard and commented about them. He said,
"There's going to be a killing tonight." What!!!! Yes, for our date,
Chris slaughtered two domesticated ducks.
He hit them over the head with rebar, smashing their brains. Their bodies were twitching for minutes afterwards. Then he wrung their necks, plucked their breast feathers and cut out the breast!
Seriously romantic. I watched with shock! Although looking at the insides and identifying the organs were interesting, I would have preferred to feeding ducks at a pond or something.

The worst part about dating is finding someone to watch the kids on a Friday night. Paying someone costs a lot of money and I feel bad asking people to do it for free.
If anyone wants to be in a date/babysit co-op, we are looking for people who will watch kids one friday night a month and get 3 Friday nights free for dating. I'm looking forward to some more fun dates!!!