She was going to have to freeze the one on Cadence's eye to remove that one, but one try at that sent Cadence into a crying frenzy. The last couple of days has been traumatic ones for Cadence. She doesn't want to change her clothes, go potty, take off her diaper or let us see her "itchies." Scabs have formed on many of the little bumps. Hopefully, they won't scar. We have a return appt in 3 weeks. I don't know how she will take going back to the doctor. Needless to say, our family has been traumatized by the "itchies." We hope this molluscum goes away soon!!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Traumatized By Molluscum
Cadence got a few bumps on her bottom back in June. They looked similar to small warts. At one of Cooper's Dr. appt., I asked the pediatrician about them. He said, "Oh those are Molluscum Contagiousum. It is a virus that the body doesn't recognize as a virus for about 6 months. It produces those little bumps. Scrap the bumps off like this. (He shows us). Nothing to worry about. They may itch, but it is no big deal." Relieved, we watched the bumps. I couldn't remember the name of them so I didn't read up about them. One popped here and there. Then they started coming up more often on different parts of her body and she started itching. Lately, the ones on her bottom have been itching a lot. She has itched them raw and when we attempt to put ointment on them, she screams that it hurts. When one popped up on her eye last week, I called the pediatrician, asked what the nurse if she could please talk to the doctor and tell me the common name of them so I could read about it and find out what I could do to stop these bumps from taking over her cute little body. When I read about it on-line, I called the dermatologist for an appointment. There was an appointment that day and I took Cadence into get this treated. I wish I would have done this 6 months ago!!! The PA "painted" Cadence's bumps.
She was going to have to freeze the one on Cadence's eye to remove that one, but one try at that sent Cadence into a crying frenzy. The last couple of days has been traumatic ones for Cadence. She doesn't want to change her clothes, go potty, take off her diaper or let us see her "itchies." Scabs have formed on many of the little bumps. Hopefully, they won't scar. We have a return appt in 3 weeks. I don't know how she will take going back to the doctor. Needless to say, our family has been traumatized by the "itchies." We hope this molluscum goes away soon!!!
She was going to have to freeze the one on Cadence's eye to remove that one, but one try at that sent Cadence into a crying frenzy. The last couple of days has been traumatic ones for Cadence. She doesn't want to change her clothes, go potty, take off her diaper or let us see her "itchies." Scabs have formed on many of the little bumps. Hopefully, they won't scar. We have a return appt in 3 weeks. I don't know how she will take going back to the doctor. Needless to say, our family has been traumatized by the "itchies." We hope this molluscum goes away soon!!!
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Poor Cadence! I hope she gets better soon.
Oh, I am so sorry! I hope she feels better soon!
How sad! I hope everything gets all better soon!
No fun... Several kids in our ward got these last summer - it was a mini little outbreak that seemed to pass from kid to kid. All kinds of remedies too. You should talk to Sandra at preschool. A couple of her kids had it too - I can't remember what worked best. Hopefully they go away soon.
Poor little thing. It's amazing all the little viruses that kids can get. This one sounds like such a nightmare. Hope she's feeling better soon.
Good luck.
In this case I think I would be upset with the Peds Doc. I know that feeling when you are told something will right itself with time and then turns into something HUGE. I am glad that you are on the mend though!
That is way to sad! I hope they go away SOON!!
Poor little thing! I feel bad for her. Hopefully the itchies will go away quickly!
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