Monday, June 15, 2009

Craziness With Cousins

Last week, my sister, Sandy, and her family were in Logan for a few days re-roofing a duplex they own. The kids played at our house during the day while the adults worked. Cadence loves having her crazy cousins around, and believe me, we had some crazy fun time!

We hit a couple of parks to occupy time - Willow park, Merlin Olsen park, the park by our house, etc. Most of the time, it was McKinley and Maddie with us. Sierra played basketball at the rec. center. At night, Sierra came over and the silliness started. Maddie loves this lion costume from the play room. She wore it at Halloween. She dressed up in it again while we were playing out front. Due to some road construction taking place on Crockett Ave, the traffic has been diverted to the road in front of our house. Too many cars have been going WAY TOO FAST!!! I often yell to slow down and sometimes get flipped off for caring about the kids in our neighborhood being safe. As we were discussing different ideas about getting cars to slow down to 25 mph, Maddie would run out to the sidewalk (which borders the road) and grow/dance in the lion costume at passing cars. It was hilarious to see the different reactions she got! I almost lost control of myself:)
Pretty soon, the rest of the girls started in the silliness by having a parade of Cadence's vehicles.
It was my turn to try on the lion costume and join the crazy parade. It definitely didn't fit, but I don't mind. It just makes it more silly!!!
We were joined by the cousins from the other side of our cousin's family for the day. It was fun having so many kids around and I actually pulled off feeding all of them lunch! I might be able to be a mom to 8 kids (for a couple of days before I die of exhaustion.)
having the cousins sleep over was exciting. Unfortunately, Cadence and Cooper both threw up and got diarrhea while they were here! NOT FUN!!! Entertaining and having sick kids at the same time - no thank you!!!! Despite that, we loved having our crazy cousins visit us!


Tara Bergsjo said...

I hope they are feeling better! Spending time with cousins is always fun! I love the picture of Ryan and Cadence.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a party a minute at your house! What good times, I do wish we were neighbors still.

Walking With Tippytoes! said...

Looks like fun. You seem like a really fun mom. Your kids are lucky.

By the way this is Taras sister.