This year was NO let down! He started playing a few Christmas songs on his accordian. (I didn't get a picture of it!) He also reads some poems he wrote and some that were written by others. For this poem entitled "Freedom," Cadence held a flag.
One of my favorite parts of the show is when Paul performs "Can Christmas" or something like unto it! For this part, he dances, tosses/flips a can of food and uses fancy footwork to a Christmas song. This year, he tossed a blue can around while dancing to some Elvis song. He actually performed TWO tossing objects songs!!!!
Another favorite song he dances and acts out to is "I Just Go Nuts At Christmas!" His faces are the best and I laugh at this funny song!
A more serious song he acts out is "Mary Did You Know?" He chooses one person to act as Mary and mouths the words to her. Very touching!

He added a few games to this years performance. We went in a circle with each person saying one sentence and then the next adding onto the story. Our story was all over the place and went around the circle 3 or 4 times until Paul ended us. So Funny!!! I have to say this is my most favorite performance of Paul's yet!
After the performance, we ate dessert and Cadence danced around in a tablecloth (becuase she didn't have a little blanket) with the Bradley's grandkids. She LOVES to dance!!!
I hope for as long as I live in Logan, we will be invited to Paul's Christmas show! It is one of the Christmas events I look forward to the most!!!