Chris traveled to California (Mt. Shasta) last Friday for his Impact LMT 3 trip. We drove him down to catch a ride with some of his buddies from Draper. While he was gone, we played in the Salt Lake area. What's the saying - "When the cats away, the mice will play." My next few posts will be about our playing!!!
While we stayed at Grammy's, I thought we should visit at least one friend of mine. I chose to call a religiously wild and crazy friend I lovingly refer to as
RUMBLE. Eight years ago, I worked at
Oakcrest, a LDS run summer girls camp, as a counselor. For 12 weeks, I was in charge of a group of 8-14 different girls between the ages of 12-13. We participated in outdoor sports, read scriptures, camped, hiked, floated down rivers on our bums, played pranks, and experienced the gospel of Jesus Christ through fun and spiritual activities. I loved it!!! One of the best parts of this job was the friendships I made with other counselors. My camp name was
DISCO. RUMBLE was a fellow counselor who is very similar in personality to me. We are both outgoing, loud at times, looking to prank, and crazy. Yet, when we needed to be, we could be spiritual, sensitive and downright serious! Just thinking of some of the fun activities we created and the serious discussions we had make me smile!

Anyhow, I called Mindy (her real name) and invited myself over to her house. She hasn't changed much except she is married with a kid now. We had a great little chat and caught up on life while Cadence played with her son, Eli. Talking with her almost made me want to relive the best prank we played on each other while at camp. She tied
HICCUP (another great friend) and me up to a fence and dumped syrup, pudding and other slimy consistencies over our heads. She and
DIXIE got us good. We got them back better with a 8 course meal consisting of things like punch, pudding, spaghetti noodles, vegetables, cocoa powder and all sorts of other stuff dumped over their heads. The visit also made me want to play dress up and zipline down a hill. Oh, the memories!
She has a large front porch like us with a hammock. It made me want to leave a swing on one side and get a hammock for the other.
RUMBLE, thanks for the chat. You rock! And to all the other Oakcrest counselors that read this, I am still inspired by you all - especially the ones whose blog I know about. I love you girls!