Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Late Birthday Present

Chris surprised me with a late birthday present last week. He took me to the Kurt Bestor Christmas Concert in SLC. The concert was great! I loved the music, his arrangements of Christmas songs, his humor and being with my husband. The mile walk to and from Abravenel Hall in the cold, snowy air was NOT so great! Finding a parking lot around Temple Square on a Saturday night in December is IMPOSSIBLE!!!
I can't believe I left Cooper for about 5 hours (at my sister's). I missed that little guy! I been away from Cadence for that long before, but this is only the second time that we have left him at a babysitters. Oh the sweet attachment to a baby! The good news about leaving him is that he will drink from a bottle. The bad news is that he throws up formula!

I left him again today for 3 hours to attend the temple. Tangi went through for the first time! Way to go, sweet friend!!!


Kristina P. said...

I love that sculpture! Glad you had a good time!

Tara Bergsjo said...

That sounds like a lot of fun!!

Token Asian Friend said...

Did you know the 3-D glass art behind you was designed by a man with only one working eye? His depth perception is severely limited because of it, but yet he creates these three dimensional masterpieces. Cool, huh!

Love them babies!