I just wrote about Cooper turning NINE months a few days ago. That's because I am behind in my posting. Cooper really is TEN months old. The time has gone by so quickly. Many toddler-like changes are happening to my baby!
Cooper's communication is quickly improving. He understands many words, phrases an signs. He is signing more often and deliberately. He has added the signs "dog" and "again." Cadence is relearning the signs she's forgotten so quickly. I think she will be a big help in teaching Cooper to sign. He also says the "d" sound when he sees a dog or a duck or when he is calling Dad. Cooper also uses the "m" sound in honor of me and has many emerging sounds.
Cooper is into everything. He can crawl very quickly!!! He likes to crawl to the stairs and go up one step before I can tell him he can't play there:( One of his favorite places to crawl is wherever Cadence is sleeping (bed or couch). He then pulls up and wakes her up by yelling and hitting her body. She doesn't like it, but he sure does!!! Walking is his next goal. He holds onto our hands and walks around the house. He also uses the furniture to assist him in walking around.
Cooper loves the bathrooms, toilets and water. He likes to flush them, stick his hand in them, turn over Cadence's big potty, etc. When the bathroom doors are shut, he crawls over to them and hits the door while saying "Let me in" in his cute way. Let's hope that he still likes them in a year when I attempt to potty-train him. He also likes to turn on the water in the sink and splash all over. The bathtub is a lot of fun as he gets water everywhere. However, he no longer enjoys laying down in the water.
Cooper eats everything!!! I rarely give him baby food anymore. He eats whatever we are eating - tacos, fish, bread, noodles, veggies, etc. He is NOT picky! He even eats sidewalk chalk, dirt and rocks! I have a feeling he is going to eat a TON when he is a teenager!
Animals are another thing that Cooper loves. He enjoys petting dogs and doesn't seem to be intimidated by them (the barking or the size). He almost jumps out of the stroller when we feed the ducks. He likes kitties and horses too. When we are looking at books about animals, he touches the animals.
Cooper is a people person. He loves babies and likes to "talk" to them. He makes his cute sounds as he touches the other babies' faces and arms. He goes to almost everyone, but usually wants to come back to Mom after a few minutes.
The park is one of Cooper's favorite places to go. We go at least 3 or 4 times a week. Swinging gives him a big smile, claps and signs of "again." He also likes playing in the sand (filling up his diaper with it and eating it). Sliding down the slides are also enjoyable for him. Of course, he still needs assistance from a big person on them. He also enjoys the crunchiness of the woodchips:)
Cooper is still far from sleeping through the night. He just loves me too much and wants to see me. He loves to be held and wants to fall asleep in my arms.
You are amazing. That's all I can say...and amazing mom and an amazing blogger too. I love reading your posts and wish I had the focus to write good blog posts about all that is going on in my life day by day. You make a great record of your kids lives. :)
So cute!!! I am babysitting a baby that is a month older than Cooper and she is doing the exact same stuff. I forget what it is like having to move everything in your house practically. She pulls herself up on things constantly and then falls over sometimes. She got a pretty nice bruise on her forehead the other day I felt aweful. When it isn't your own child you feel even worse. Good luck!
He is getting so BIG! I love all the cute pictures!
Such a handsome little man! Dad's are going to be locking up their daughters in about fifteen years!
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