My sleeping arrangements are interesting these days. Space is limited. It is a precious commodity. Whoever said 'Three is a crowd' is correct.

Even though Cadence has a big girl bed, she wants to sleep in a big person bed. In this picture, she got in bed with me about 5am. At the current time, she wants to fall asleep with Cooper and I laying next to her.
Cooper does not enjoy sleeping on his back. He can't do it. I am starting a bad habit of letting him lay by me so I can get some sleep. He sleeps better and longer if I am touching or holding him. I need to start putting him in his crib, but I really like to sleep more than a couple of hours a night.
Kids are great!!!
That's awesome. Good luck with all that! Your kids are so dang cute.
That sleeping arrangement looks all too familiar. We still end up with a few kids in bed halfway through the night. I always had my babies sleep with us so I could actually get some sleep (they would start out in their beds and come in at their first feeding)...funny that that still seems to be the routine and they still come in! usually just the Olivia and Dawson.
This picture makes me smile. I think it only really needs a one word caption: "Mom"
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