Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mission Accomplished! The Garden Is Planted!

Every year, I anticipate planting a garden. There is something fun/therapeutic about growing vegetables and playing in the dirt. Maybe it is because as I was growing up, a garden played a big part of our family's summer activities. I used to dread weeding a row in the garden every morning before I could play with my friends. The rows seemed to go on FOREVER. They were long, but now that I am older, the weeding doesn't seem as bad and awful. It definitely isn't torture (if I keep up with it.) Thanks Mom and Dad for instilling the love of gardening in me:)

(Sitting in the daffodil patch before the weeds are tilled underground.)

With all that was going on this year (and not being able to rototill the weeds myself due to the large tummy and irritated sciatic nerve), I wasn't sure I was going to get a garden planted. Luckily, Chris finally found time to till the daffodil patch. I raked the rocks and precious metals* out and tried to level it. Supporting my favorite local business, Anderson Feed and Seed, I bought corn, cucumbers, crookneck squash, zuchinni, and pumpkin seeds and some tomato plants. Cadence and I planted some of the seeds and plants. She doesn't quite "get" it yet. She likes to dig up what I just planted or step on what she can see!!! When Chris got home, I finished planting without too much distraction. I just planted some red and green bell peppers. I have irrigated once and it has rained a lot this week. I am excited to watch the garden grow!!!

*We have planted a garden for the last three years in the same spot. One of the fun activities of everyone (and I seriously mean everyone) who visits is to get the big magnets out and walk around to see what metallic treasures they find. This year, we collected nails and other small metal gadgets that filled a cottage cheese container. Yes, we found more car parts and other large metal objects. Someday the junkyard will be pulled out of the dirt.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Hey Michelle! I just saw Chris and he told me about your blog. I love it! Cadence is such a doll! I love all your pictures. The one of her and the dog sleeping is to die for. I'm so excited that you have a blog! I will definitely be checking it. I hope you are feeling well. Hang in there for your last 4 weeks!