There are so many events and things I want to blog about, but sometimes I don't take my camera or I just think 'how can I make this entry interesting?' So today, I will just write a quick post about some of the events our family has participated in the last couple of weeks and post the random pictures we have.
While Chris helped Wes Woodward, friends who used to live in this ward, start roofing their house, Cadence and I played and swam with Jen, Taytem, Tanner and their 2 cousins. We made homemade corndogs for dinner. Tasty!!!
I visited with Ashley Boyce from Walterboro, SC, at (Elder and Sister) Joyce and Gary Allen's house in Cove. I met her on my mission and she was in the state visiting people. Cadence loved all the horses and cows at the Allen's farm. This picture is not at their farm, but it is a cute picture of Cadence attempting to pet a horse.
We love the Cabaniss family. Heather is an excellent cook and invites us over to dinner a couple of times a month. Every once in a while, we invite their family over. On Monday, we had our favorite shrimp dinner which Heather loves!!! I don't even know what you call it, but it is shrimp cooked in Italian dressing, with onion, green pepper and crab boil. Daniel is working in South Carolina this summer. He missed out on the tasty treat. Cadence and the boys, DJ, Jacob and Bryant, tried to get along with each other as they played with the toys and outside. (Sharing is something Cadence gets to improve!)
As far as home improvement goes (our ongoing project),Chris has been working on making/stapling screens into all the windows in the house that don't have one. We rearranged our furniture and made a dining room, a front room and put a day bed in one of the rooms upstairs. I got out the 'fine china' (meaning breakable dishes) my mom gave me for Christmas a year or two ago and put it in the built in hutch. It looks so...sophisticated! Chris brought the big screen TV in from the barn (much to my dismay) and Cadence loves to watch movies on it. The house is coming together and it is so exciting after sacrificing for so long.

Chris and I assisted the Young Women in our ward with setting up tents and hauling all their equipment to girls camp by Porcupine Resevoir. Cadence loved sitting in each tent we set up.
I have been working on my sad garden. I planted the garden right before the two weeks of cold and rain in June and the cucumber, squash, pumpkin and zuchinni seeds rotted. Everything is growing more slowly than usual - except the weeds. I will rototill manure into the garden to fertilize next year. I am trying to get the weeds out before the baby comes because I know I will get behind when the little guy is here. 
Cadence has been begging me to "ride with bus" except she wanted to ride with her last babysitter, Camille and her 2 kids. I took her on the city bus and as usual, she fell asleep about 15 minutes into the ride.
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