Two Sundays ago was Cooper's blessing at church. We would have blessed him earlier, but we decided to wait for when Grandma and Grandpa were here.
If ever there were an angelic looking baby, it was Cooper sleeping in my arms at church in his blessing outfit. Wow! What a handsome guy! I was so emotional at church. I don't know why. Having a second child is so different than the first. I never really got many quiet moments to just sit, look and admire my baby. I don't get as much time to just pay attention to him and nothing else. But at church, I got that time. Cadence was with cousins and friends, and I just kept looking at my beautiful baby. Cooper is such a good baby. He is so easy-going, loving and happy. He is an angel!
Chris gave an amazing blessing. I am grateful for a husband who honors the priesthood and is able to exercise it at all times because he is such a good guy!!! Chris, Russ Lawrence, Todd Corbett, Jonas Manuel, Brian Thomas, Carl and Thomas Fredrickson, Bretton Hadfield, Curtis Williams and Daniel Cabaniss stood in the circle to give the blessing. Truly, Cooper is a gift from God! He is pure and perfect! If ever anyone questions the goodness or perfection of God, hold a baby.

It was also testimony meeting. I shared mine. As I was walking back to my seat, Cadence
loudly calls out from her seat, "Mom, I want to say my testimony." Obviously, many giggles and smiles were evident in the congregation. I didn't help Cadence except for holding her up. She said her prayer. "Heavenly Father. Thank you. Bless the food. Mommy, Daddy, Cooper, Cadence, Gramma, Grampa." I asked her if she wanted to say anything else. She didn't and closed "Name of Jesus Christ. Amen." She's too cute. Chris shared his too. My sweet friend and former student, Jennifer Fredrickson, shared hers. She had Down's Syndrome and is such a sweet person.

After sacrament meeting, we went home with our friends and family. Our little meal with marinated chicken breasts, 3 types of salad, rolls and bread, and dessert (including the best pecan pie ever). Visiting with our friends and family was such fun!
I think Cooper is such a great model. His little suit looked so good on him. His belly is so big that his shirt wouldn't stay tucked in.

I got his blessing outfit at the farmers market. This is the little hat that came with it. I think he looks like a little Pope with it!
Finally, a picture that shows his blue eyes!!!
I love my baby!!!

We are a happy family!!! (Cadence likes to put her arms around our necks and sing that song.!
THanks to everyone who came. We appreciate your love and support!
That picture of Cooper and Cadence is priceless!
Glad you had a great blessing day.
So cute! Cooper looks so much like his daddy. Fun, fun...
What a cute family you have. Sounds like it was a special sunday for you!!
What a special day blessing are. I remember all of my children's like it was yesterday. Enjoy these times.
I know I've said this before but your kids are Amazing! Love the Cooper Pooper in his suit.
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