While Grandma and Grandpa were here, we decided to go to the
zoo. My mom went with us. Cadence has never gone to the zoo, but she loves animals and knows a lot about them. We have MANY books with animals.
Cadence was funny. She wanted to be carried by Chris most of the time. I think seeing the animals in person was a little intimidating to her. Cooper also wanted to be held. He did not like the stroller that day. I carried him in the Moby. The animal she talked about the most was the elephant. However, she did not want to be put down around them or the rhinos.
The rhinos were right in front of the observation windows so we got an amazing up close look!
The giraffes were very cool. While we watched, one giraffe kept trying to eat some leaves in the trees. Its tongue was so long!!! Cadence loved being able to walk up the stairs in the giraffe exhibit and look eye to eye with these tall animals. When she told others about the giraffes, she would say, "Giraffes. Long neck." 
She also liked the zebras, big cats, baboons and penguins. However, her favorite part of the zoo was probably the rides. On the merry-go-round, she chose a giraffe to ride.
When we first walked in the zoo, she wanted to ride the train. She loves Thomas Train. We told her after we see the animals, we could ride the train. We were all getting tired and were grateful to be able to sit down as we rode around. She was so tired, she didn't even want to play on the playground!!!
Cooper looked so cute! He wore his little lion outfit, with plaid shorts and his baseball cap! He is such a handsome little guy!
The following morning, Melvin and Barbara left for Louisiana. Cadence told many people her Grandpa was on an airplane. Even though they've been home over a week and a half, she still is talking about them and includes them in her prayers sometimes.
zoo. My mom went with us. Cadence has never gone to the zoo, but she loves animals and knows a lot about them. We have MANY books with animals.
When we got home from Salt Lake, the first thing Cadence wanted to do was to watch Madagascar. She talked about the giraffe, elephant and rhino. That night, she got her animal books out of her bookcase and told me which ones were at the zoo.
Since that day, she keeps asking to go to the zoo. Maybe in a couple of months!!!
Thanks for coming to visit!!! We hope you are able to come back in the next couple of years!!!
Oh, that's the Hogle Zoo! I live in Salt Lake City, so I've been there before. Great place!
- Kidiu
Oh, that's the Hogle Zoo!
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