The first task was to pack up the two rooms (that we moved into 3 months ago) and move everything into the dining room. I can't believe we fit it all. (My advice is to paint before you move into a house!!!) We took down the oh-so-lovely drapes, pictures and wall ornaments. After which, we taped around all the wood trim on the windows, doors and baseboards. Then it was time for painting!!!

The living room before paint. It looks dark so dark in these pictures even though it is the middle of the day and the lights are on!!!
Barbara and Melvin ended up doing most of the painting while one of us watched the kids (taking care of their needs) or running errands for our project. Lucky for us, Cadence would get bored with painting after about 2 or 3 minutes!
The almost finished product. Barbara painting the living room (left) and the office is completed (right)!
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for spending your vacation painting!!! It looks MUCH BETTER!
It is soooo hard choosing paint colors. They never turn out how you think they will! How fun to have Chris's folks for a visit!
It's amazing what a little paint can do to a room! Aren't grandparents the best?
That is so cool! It looks great!
WOW! I like the new look. Isn't it crazy how project never quite turn out the way that you think they will?! I like the accent wall .
YEA! Looks good in the pictures. I can't wait to see it!
LOVE it! Looks fabulous- I'll come look for real- soon!
Congrats! That is sooo cool! I bet it feels sooo good to have that painted! Congrats!
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